
Ethical Issues Faced By Health Insurance Companies

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Health insurance costs are often raised to balance out the potential costs posed by risk factors. This is because insurance companies have to, on average, spend more money to help highly prone individuals. While this practice makes sense financially, it raises some questions ethically. Three risk factors that often lead to companies raising monthly fees are tobacco usage, obese individuals, and people with genetically inherited conditions.
Tobacco has been the center of much controversy in America since the late twentieth century. Increasing numbers of studies showing the harmful side effects of tobacco has also caused many insurance companies to increase coverage costs to those who use the product. Insurance rates have a directly proportional relationship with risk factors, so the increase in coverage costs of tobacco users means that they have a higher risk of health complications. The raising of insurance rates is a safety net for the company to protect their stock. On average, individuals who use tobacco products in Florida often pay twenty dollars more per month than individuals who do not …show more content…

America is the most obese nation in the world with 30.6% of the general population being obese. With obesity comes many health issues such as higher chances of stroke, type two diabetes, cancer, sleep apnea, and many more issues. If a person were to contract one of these issues, the amount of money that would be spent on hospital bills, and medicine would skyrocket. Insurance companies need to have a safety measure in place to protect them from sudden costs and one way to do this is to increase rates on the people most prone to causing them, aka obese individuals. Obese people spend, on average, two thousand, three hundred and eighty two dollars more per year than their non-obese counterparts.

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