
Ethical Issues Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Step 1: About 7% of the rich world's jobs are held by people from developing countries and an aging population who cannot fill the vacant positions currently available. Lant Pritchett proposal is to have 16 million of the poor became part of a guest worker program. In the United States for example; 3 million guest workers would stay 3 to 5 years, without citizenship. They could not bring their families, but they would have some protection through the certification process for these guest workers. Step 2: The ethical issues are: (1) How would the countries enforce the immigrants that overstay their visa? (2) Is it ethical to spend resources on guest programs if our unemployment numbers are rising? (3) Can we create a training program, especially …show more content…

Step 5: "Business ethics is nothing less than the full awarness of what one is doing, its consequences and complications. Thinking about ethics in business is no more than acknowledging that one has taken into account and is willing to be responsible for them. " Robert C. Solomon Based on Solomon philosophy, business must act based on three components: compliance to laws and principles of morality, contributions to society, and consequences of your actions. If we agree to create program for guess visa, business can comply with 3C's. Step 6: If guest program is created there is not enough power to control the guest workers from overstaying. It is not ethical, to ask them to stay in foreign county for 5 years, establish some ground without their families, and then say "Good Bye". Step 7: There are many alternatives, but I would not support creating guest program. There is enough work force in this country to fill the need. We can spend the money on training programs, so unemployed citizen can find his future, but unfortunately his lack of experience or training is preventing this person from finding a job in diferent field. Also, many people unemployed citizens, cannot pay for training classes in local

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