
Ethical Subjectivism Vs Cultural Relativism

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If ethical truths are determined by one’s opinions or cultural ideal, then would it not be impossible for one’s ethical opinions or cultural ideals to ever be wrong? In terms of ethical relativism, the moral views of all individuals or all cultures are all equally good and therefore nothing can be intrinsically valuable, as they are all the same. Things are valuable only because we accept them as such. If there is no way for us to be wrong, then there is no value in being right, as everything is right. If ethical relativism is true, then in this case, moral progress is impossible. Moral views can change but cannot improve with this thought process. Thus, if what everyone is doing right now is right, relative to their own culture, then there’s never any reason to change anything. The word ‘progress’ would suggest improvement, or forward movement of some sort. But movement towards what? If moral “progress” was possible, a standard would have to …show more content…

As such, “the fundamental difference between these two views is whether each person, or each society, gets to have the final say in ethics. (293) Both concepts answer some questions as well as face many problems. Both make all moral conclusions, by society or individual attitude, morally correct. These concepts make, “each person or each society morally infallible, even if the commitments are based on ignorance or prejudice.” Neither theory offers a solution to calculate one’s morals since are morals are deemed true and good. “Neither theory allows for fundamental moral progress. Both theories generate contradictions, and can eliminate this worry only by making moral disagreement impossible. This laundry list of complaints explains why cultural relativism and ethical subjectivism have found little favor among philosophers. For those with doubts about the objectivity of morality, nihilistic alternatives may have more to offer.”

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