
Ethical Theories Of Normative Ethics

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Over the last couple of weeks in Philosophy 103, we learned five theories concerning normative ethics: utilitarianism, duty ethics, virtue ethics, care ethics, and natural law ethics. While learning about those theories, I often thought about how the arguments for some theories included interesting ideas that I personally agreed with, but the methods of reasoning were somewhat lacking. Contrastingly, I encountered theories with arguments that were not thought-provoking ideas at first, but I became acclimated to them due to the logical and well-thought out methodologies. In this essay, I will argue for my own normative ethical theory; an act is right if it is virtuous and conductive towards relationships with other people and wrong if it is …show more content…

A person who practices virtue attempts to live a well-balanced and stable life. While I recognize Aristotle’s argument, the argument itself presents people as isolated human beings who try to be virtuous, or at least attempt to, with no consideration of how our interactions with others affect us and, therefore, affect what is considered right and wrong.
The lack of reflection on how interpersonal relationships affect morality is where Virginia Held’s view completes my normative ethical theory. Her view of care ethics establishes the importance of relationships with others, as people depend on one another to some capacity. Virginia Held declares that an act is right if it nurtures a relationship and wrong if it does not. What is significant about Held’s methodology is that it considers the feminine perspective of caring for someone, which many philosophers did not consider when making their arguments. The importance of interpersonal relationships in care ethics is something that is certainly applicable to this day and age. With new technology and globalization, our capacity to interact with others has greatly increased, and to dismiss our connectedness while making a normative ethical theory in the modern era would be irrational. Aristotle’s virtue ethics and care ethics could then be

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