
Ethics And Kantian Ethics

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Kantian ethics is criticized by many who note that Kant gives little guid¬ance on what to do when ethical principles conflict, as they often do. More¬over, they say, his emphasis on autonomous decision-making and individual will neglects the social and communal context in which people live and make decisions. It leads to isolation and unreality. These criticisms notwithstand¬ing, Kantian ethics has stimulated much current thinking in bioethics. In this volume, the idea that certain actions are in and of themselves right or wrong underlies, for example, Patrick Lee and Robert P. George's argument against abortion because it involves killing a human being; Tom Regan's opposition to animal research; and President's Council on Bioethics' opposition to fed¬eral funding of human stem cell research (Rogerson, 1991). …show more content…

Veatch. In A Theory of Justice (1971), Rawls places the highest value on equitable distribution of society's resources. He believes that society has a fundamental obligation to correct the inequalities of historical circumstance and natural endowment of its least well off members. According to this the¬ory, some action is good only if it benefits the least well off. It can also bene¬fit others, but that is secondary. His social justice theory has influenced bioethical writings concerning the allocation of scarce resources. Veatch has applied Rawlsian principles to medical ethics. In his book, A Theory of Medical Ethics (1981), he offers a model of social contract among professionals, patients, and society that emphasizes mutual respect and responsibilities. This contract model will, he hopes, avoid the narrowness of professional codes of ethics and the generalities and ambiguities of more broadly based ethical theories (Rosenbaun,

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