
Ethics : Discovering Right And Wrong

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Kenya Ramirez October 11, 2015 Philosophy 122-2374 Professor Price Objectivism Over Relativism In Ethics: Discovering Right and Wrong, Pojman states that morality refers to the actions we take either right or wrong. This paper should analyze the favor of moral objectivism and the rejection of ethical relativism. According to Pojman, “Ethical relativism holds that moral rightness and wrongness of actions varies from society to society or individual to individual.” (p.19) That is, what is considered right in one society, might be considered wrong in another society (Diversity thesis). One should not judge because there are no universal moral principles. As a result, this theory avoids ethnocentrism, the belief that one’s culture is superior to another. According to Pojman, “Moral objectivism holds that there are moral principles valid for all societies.” (p.15) That is, there are certain universal moral codes that are valid for all humans, either as an individual or as a society, and does not depend on anyone’s point of view. Defenders of ethical relativism hold that this theory supports the value of tolerance. Anthropologist Ruth Benedict states, “We shall arrive at a more realistic social faith, accepting as grounds of hope and as a new bases for tolerance the coexisting and equally valid patterns of life which mankind has created for itself from the raw materials of existence.” (p.20) Benedict is stating that we should not judge another person or culture, because we all

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