
Ethos Pathos Logos In Letter From Birmingham Jail

Decent Essays

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote the Letter from Birmingham Jail in the year 1963 at a time when the African Americans were fighting for equality having experienced racial bigotry perpetuated by the Whites for so long. Because of his outspoken criticism of the government and the Whites for propagating racism, King was arrested and jailed in Birmingham from where he wrote his letter which is considered a significant artifact that reflects the challenges that African Americans experienced in the United States during their struggle for equality and equal treatment before the law. In the letter, King uses pathos, ethos, and logos to appeal to the clergy and to the readers to agree with him that him together with his “people” held demonstrations because it became absolutely necessary to do so. King uses ethos, pathos, and logos which is apparent in his condemning and a pervasive tone meant to influence the reader to support his actions leading …show more content…

For instance, he uses logos to reinforce his argument that he and his supporters had no alternative but to embark on direct action which entailed hold demonstrations. He uses logical examples to provide evidence in a bid to substantiate his point including providing historical evidence. Other logical evidence that King uses include logical fallacies such as appeal to authority which is evidenced by his reference to Thomas Jefferson. King quotes Jefferson when he says thus, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal...” (King, 1963). This phrase is meant to appeal to the authorities given that King is using a famous person that everyone including those in authority respects. By doing that, King is trying to convince his audience that what Jefferson stated must be true and therefore everyone has a duty to ensure that equality for all becomes a reality regardless of race, color, creed, and religious

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