
Ethos Pathos Logos In To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

Throughout the story To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee , Atticus , Tom’s lawyer is trying to convince the audience (the jury) that Tom Robinson didn’t take advantage of Mayella. Atticus uses pathos and logos to appeal to the jury that Tom is not guilty. In the trial of Tom Robinson and Mayella Ewell, Tom was accused of “taking advantage” of Mayella. Tom’s lawyer ,Atticus Finch uses a more logical appeal to convince the jury that Tom is innocent. In Mayella’s testimony she states that Tom choked her with two hands .This testimony is false because Tom got in an accident when he was a child, his right hand got caught on the cotton gin making him a disabled man,as said in page 249 “He got caught in a cotton gin, caught it in Mr.Dolphus

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