
Eudora Welty's A Worn Path

Decent Essays

Welty Eudora. "A WORN PATH.” From The Collected Works of Eudora Welty Literary Criticism Review: "A Worn Path" Eudora Welty's "A Worn Path" is about the journey of Phoenix Jackson, an elderly black woman. You get a sense that this journey appears to not be for any apparent reason. Phoenix travels over hills and through the woods, facing hardships, encounters with disrespect, and moments of loneliness. By the end of the story, the reader realizes that Phoenix's trip does have a goal. She walks to get medicine for her sick grandson. The theme of the the story is that Phoenix went through all of those things on her journey because of the love of her grandson. Throughout the journey, she encountered three different individuals, all being white and all making the journey a light more difficult. …show more content…

Although he assists Phoenix Jackson, he automatically assumes the worse in this elderly black woman. He uses the word Granny on several occasions, not being a respectful term due to the fact he does not know her. He then questions her journey, going as far as to claiming what all “colored people” may or may not do. To top off all the comments, or the fact that he stated he would give her a coin if he had it, not knowing a coin had already dropped from him, he points a gun at her. I felt as though he did that as a way of showing he could kill her and it be ok, obviously for no reason but showing his power he seem to have at that moment, although Phoenix Jackson was never phased and continued on her

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