
European Exploration DBQ

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DBQ: Age of European Exploration Imagine having everything taken from you because a couple of guys want the land you own. During the Age of Exploration, Europeans were trying to find land and other treasures when they came across Native Americans. However, this was not good for the Native Americans; it was actually very destructive. These Native Americans suffered great hardships, after coming into contact with the Europeans. Some hardships were an unfair fight between these two cultures, their population began to decrease, and they didn’t have the freedom to worship their own religion. Have you ever had to go against somebody in a video game or any sport and they were more experienced and much stronger? Well, this is what happened to the Native Americans. They had an unfair fight …show more content…

“Columbus’s letter also provides observations of the native people’s culture and lack of weapons.Writing that the natives are ‘fearful and timid.guileless and honest”(Columbus reports on his first voyage, 1493). As well as them not having experience with weapons, they also wrote a song and one of the lines says “without roofs are our houses”which means they were also unprotected and didn’t have strong armor (Doc.3). “Native Americans did not use metal extensively before European contact, their armor was often made of wood, bones, and animal hides” (Hillerman). A second reason Native Americans were negatively impacted was their population started to decrease. On the graph, it shows how the Native American population began to decrease. There used to be 25 million people living in New Spain, however that number dropped because of the bad working conditions, war, and fighting that the Native Americans had to go through (Doc. 4) As stated by the News Reporter, Alicia, declares, “Throughout this year in the Americas, Columbus forced natives to work for the sake of

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