
European Factory Workers and Urban Artisans

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In the eighteenth century much of Europe was experiencing an industrial production, furthering toward a more industrial society. Many people were supporting the new society, while others were criticizing it. From 1845-1847 Europe was experiencing poor harvests, which caused the Irish famine. Irish peasants died from starvation, while others migrated. Artisans and factory workers were undergoing a process called proletarianization. It was where an owner would pay a wage and the worker would lose all ownership of production. If the factory ran smoothly, then it would be a better chance that the workers would have a safe workplace, but if that wasn’t the case then the workers may have to work in poor work conditions. Urban artisans …show more content…

At midcentury, the women accounted for less than half of all employment. In France, the working women continued to work on the land. In England, they were domestic servants. Women’s working conditions were almost always harsh and they were always exposed to exploitation. Social Disabilities Confronted by All Women During the early nineteenth century women

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