
Euthanasia Discourse

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Euthanasia Discourse
The discourse of euthanasia in a contemporary setting is highly relevant within various institutional systems, working as a means of invoking change and establishing discussion surrounding the legalisation of assisted suicide in a medical setting. The discourse provokes the debate surrounding this medical process whilst allowing for the establishment of considerations from various standpoints such as; legally, medically, culturally and religiously. The introduction of legalised euthanasia practice in various western countries in recent times has further enhanced the relevance of this discourse.

Constructs the topic
Discourse as providing the means of shaping topic is evidently relevant to Foucault’s analysis …show more content…

Alternatively, arguments against the legalisation of euthanasia are brought forth by Emanuel (1994); alternative pain relief treatments, active and passive euthanasia are significantly morally different, death is not always painful, and its legalisation could force society onto a ‘slippery slope’ (Emanuel 1994, p.27). These opposing arguments display the influence imposed within the discourse, that it is both impacted by varying personal viewpoints whilst also influencing views in regards to euthanasia in …show more content…

The discourse can organise a subject, such as that of a medical professional of whom enacts the procedure of euthanisation in a different light to that of other medical professionals, being associated by the public from various views both in the negative as the professional being seen as a murderer (Emmanuel 1994) or through the discourse as a positive enactor of new capacities to help end the suffering of the patients (Dowbiggin 2007).

The discourse of euthanasia is both highly relevant and controversial within contemporary society (Gorsuch 2006), embodying the characteristics of discourse as defined by Foucault in Hall (1997). Euthanasia encompasses a range of institutions present within society, allowing for a variety of implications and factors to attribute to the discourse as a whole, in doing so producing a deepened means of discourse which in turn establishes the topic of assisted suicide in itself.

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