
Thesis Statement For Assisted Suicide Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Name: Yesica Arce Mendez
I. Introduction
A. Current Problem: In many societies, many believe assisted suicide should be legal.
B. Population/Area of Focus: Community/Society and family or people personally going through this process.

C. Key Terms: Euthanasia, Physician Assisted, Voluntary, Suicide

Thesis Statement: Although people may be suffering and on the verge of death, assisted suicide should be illegal because there are many options to look upon then just looking at death.

II. Major Point 1: Health may improve
A. Minor Point 1: One may take medication to improve health and help maintain their health at a decent balance.
B. Minor Point 2: There is also an option of pain management.
Source: Heide, A. V. (2013). Handbook of Clinical Neurology: Ethical and Legal Issues in Neurology. Chapter 15 – Assisted …show more content…

Major Point 3: Unconsciousness
A. Minor Point 1: Many patients can’t decide for themselves and it is not fair for family members to decide for them.
B. Minor Point 2: It may be referred as murder, having the patient unconscious.
Source: Weisstub, D. N., & Mishara, B. L. (2016). International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. Premises and Evidence in the Rhetoric of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, 36(5-6), 427-435.
V. Major Point 4: Doctor may take control
A. Minor Point 1: Doctors may try to prevent from helping patient.
B. Minor Point 2: Doctors are forced and have an obligation to relieve patients which means many doctors can be wrong about the information they collected.
Source: Noll, R. C., & Solomon, L. M. (2008). Gender Medicine. Physician-assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Disproportionate Prevalence of Women among Kevorkian's Patients, 5(2), 110-114.
VI. Conclusion
A. Restatement of Thesis: Overall with current situations happening around the world Euthanasia and Assisted suicide has become a very controversial topic, however there are many interpretations that should be looked upon before deciding that huge decision.
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