
Essay on Euthanasia

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Euthanasia--what does this word mean? It comes from the Greek words "eu" and "thantos" which translate to "good death" ("Euthanasia World Directory," Though this is the very literal meaning, it has become a more complex concept in our current society. Assisted suicide, self-deliverance, auto euthanasia, aid-in-dying are all terms that deal with the choice of achieving a good death; the choice of deciding for oneself when it is time to escape unimaginable pain and have the chance to die with the dignity we all deserve.
According to the Euthanasia Research & Guidance Organization (ERGO!) there are two main forms of suicide ("Euthanasia Research & Guidance Organization," One is "emotional …show more content…

The other case is if the person has a grave physical handicap which is so restricting that the individual cannot, even after due consideration, counseling, and re-training, tolerate such a limited existence ("The Verbal Battle Over Euthanasia," This is a fairly rare reason for suicide since most people learn to cope with their situation, but there are some who would, at a certain point, rather die.
Since, at the current time, assisted suicide is not widely legal there are no laws giving the ethical parameters. The public often thinks that since regular suicide has no rules or restrictions, neither does assisted suicide. This is incorrect.
Most every "suicide bill" currently trying to gain approval shares several guidelines that must be met before the suicide may be preformed. The person must be a mature adult. This is essential. The exact age depends on the individual, but the person should not be a minor who comes under quite different laws ("The Verbal Battle Over Euthanasia," The person must have clearly made a considered decision. Currently, an individual has the ability to indicate this with a "Living Will" and can also, in today's more open and tolerant society, freely discuss the option of euthanasia with health professionals, family, lawyers, etc. Also, the euthanasia cannot be carried out at the first knowledge of a life-threatening illness, and reasonable medical help

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