
Euthanasia and Whether Dying Is or Isn't a Right Essays

Decent Essays

March 31, 1976 was the day the New Jersey Supreme Court gave the parents of Kathleen Quinland, a young comatose woman, permission to take her off of life support systems. This is the day which is believed to be the birth of the modern right-to-die movement. Euthanasia, commonly known as mercy killing, is a way to end the agony of those who are suffering from terminal illnesses and should be legalized instead of having to be preformed in secrecy.

The medical and ethical concerns focus on the health care delivery system as it impacts end-of-life decisions. There are three categories that this can be broken into. They are the quality of life, how decisions at the end of life are made, and the physician’s changing role in end-of-life …show more content…

According to the Roman Catholic Church, there is an obligation to continue to supply nutrition and hydration to the unconscious patient (Larue, 88).

The brain of the patient may still function but it would not be in a normal way. They would be conscious but they wouldn’t be capable to express how they are feeling. There would be no way of telling how the patient feels or what their needs or wants may be, and contrary to what they think, the body of the patient will most likely not survive without the aid of the life support systems (Battin, 72). Even if the patient were to come out of this vegetative state he or she would be severely disabled, so constant medical attention would be required for the rest of their lives(Roberts, 26). There is a fine line in defining the rights of the individual, responsibilities of the doctor, and the criteria used in making end-of-life decisions. How decisions are made is a very complicated one. The decision should be between the patient and the doctor. Since the patient is the only one that can determine how he or she feels about his or her position, it is ultimately up to them but it shouldn’t be hidden from their family and friends (Roberts, 138).

The timing and the manner of death are personal decisions. It should not be made by doctors, a hospital, or courts, but by the patients, unless deemed incompetent. If they are deemed incompetent then the decision should be

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