
Evacuation Order No 19 By Julie Otsuka

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The Triumph of the Human Spirit The author of “Evacuation Order No 19”, Julie Otsuka emphasizes the triumph of the human spirit through the loss of identity, submission to submission to society, insecurities, the desire to succeed followed by hindered dreams, and the symbolism and irony of the caged bird and white dog. Throughout the story, Otsuka discreetly asks the readers to question and think of human nature as a whole. She wants the readers to sense the loss of agape love through the plight witnessed by the eyes of a Japanese-American family. Notably, the loss of identity is first featured at the mention of the unnamed children. The mention of the unnamed children often mentioned in the passage is very poignant …show more content…

When one is striped of their idenity, it is only common to obey someone of order because that person no longer has insightful thoughts. “These were the things they could take with them… pets were not allowed… that was what the sign had said…” (pg 382 para 21). “ … It was the fourth week of the fifth month of the war and the woman, who did not always follow the rules, followed the rules… (pg 382 para 22). It also demonstrates that submission can and will lose the feeling of a democracy and produce incapable citizens of society if submission to a higher man is …show more content…

With one swift blow the shovel killed the dog. The death of the dog symbolizes what happened to thousands of Japanese Americans by losing their innocence over a decision someone else made. “ The woman picked up the large shovel that was leaning against the trunk of the tree… she lifted it high in the air with both hands and brought the blade down swiftly on his head. White Dog’s body shuddered twice and his hind legs kicked into the air, as though he were trying to run. Then he grew still. A trickle of blood seeped out from the corner of his mouth…” (pg 383 para

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