
Evaluate The Role Of Globalization In Australia

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There are a multitude of observations that can be made when analyzing the life of youth today, then of our parents in the 1960-70’s era. Economic and social transformations that have a direct impact on youth and how it is experienced today, particularly in the workplace can be evaluated through the sociological concepts of Globalisation and Social Change and are noticeably intertwined. We see in Australia that Globalisation has been a driver in exacerbating inequality in our society from that of the youth under the age of 21 in the 1960-70’s era to now. Through the increase in worldly connectedness we are met with diversity, both in people and the sharing of information via technology which has stimulated Social Change. Norris (2000) highlights …show more content…

Fordism refers to the principles proliferated by Henry Ford, that is, “a mass production of uniform goods using technologies on an assembly line and the creation of a market for this, unvarying work routines (Taylorism), and increasing productivity through economies of scale, deskilling and intensification” (Ritzer, 2000). Fordism faced its decline in the 1970s, replaced by Post-Fordism. In this period, there was a deterioration in interest in mass products, but rather a growing interest in customized products and skilled labor providing services. This change also arguably stimulated the value of obtaining a University degree from this period onwards, 5% (1976) to 26% (2011) (Woodman and Wyn), where the jobs in demand begun to require certain skillsets and qualifications to be performed at consumers raising expectations. Consumers would pay more for high quality services and easily noticeable goods, shorter production runs, more capable workers with greater autonomy and responsibility and greater differentiation in society and the workplace. Most of the jobs in the 1960s were in production such as agriculture or manufacturing, which employed 46 per cent of workers. Now that proportion sits at just 23 per cent. As we move from Fordism to Post-Fordism and from Industrialism to Post-Industrialism, the new Market that …show more content…

In our current society, job switches are considered a transient phenomenon where you work for some years at something, but it’s really just a job. In two to five years you end up moving on. To challenge this stigma, competitiveness influenced by globalization, companies are under too much pressure to be lean and flexible (read: layoffs, downsizing, reorgs), so workers have to be, too (read: constantly on the alert for new job possibilities). Regardless, it is nearly impossible to find something right without trying a bunch of options. The youth of today believe you will experience more personal growth from changing jobs frequently than staying in one job for extended periods of time. And if you change jobs frequently you build an adaptable skill set and a wide network which are the keys to being able to find a job whenever you need to. then money had more value, now days it has less you can buy less per $. Earning less money is less important, where as health issues and friendships are on the rise (Woodman). Stability for todays youth is not knowing you have secure job, rather have a life where you can do what you love, during your whole life, not just at the

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