
Evaluation Of A Lesson And A Mathematics Non Appraised Lesson

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This essay closely reflects upon and evaluates two lessons taught within SE1. The school in which these lessons were taught is a primary academy, which size is larger than average. The majority of pupils are white British pupils but ethnic minorities are consistently increasing; the amount of EAL children is significantly high. Ofsted graded the behaviour within school to be outstanding. The class concerned is a year three class, in their summer term.

My SE1 targets include: To develop assessment techniques, to develop curriculum knowledge and to develop the ability to meet the needs of all pupils through differentiation (appendix 1). The two lessons which are going to be evaluated within this discussion includes a science appraised …show more content…

However, differentiation is very important in helping children to become motivated and reach their potential (Pollard, 2000) as children feel both sufficiently challenged yet are still able to complete the work set. Although this view is currently being questioned within current reports as a new set of pedagogy comes into place in some schools within mathematics entitled mastery, suggesting that differentiation is becoming obsolete in mathematics for those who follow this program, as it suggests the whole class to learn the same content at the same rate (NCETM, 2015).

The first lesson highlighted is a mathematics lesson taught within a streamed class, the lesson revolved around perimeter (appendix 2). Differentiation within this lesson was a weak area, although it was attempted. The dominant use of differentiation within this lesson was through choice, as shown in the mathematics plan (appendix 2) children were given a choice of two activities. They were able to choose which activity they felt they could do. This was inspired by research stating, “If students are given choice, they challenge themselves more than teachers do” (TES, 2012) this suggests that a higher level of challenge may be created for some children who were perhaps usually given the average ability group work could now challenge themselves if they felt confident. However, in practise many capable children were choosing to do the easier activity, the challenge created failed to motivate them,

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