
Evaluation Of A Student Learning Objectives

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The assessment that was created for this unit is based on three goals. These goals include federal, state, and district testing initiatives. They also are to provide accurate and timely data regarding testing purposes, procedures, and results to the school and staff members. The Unit 5 Curriculum incorporates all the Student Learning Objectives (SLO), intended for six weeks of instruction. Each unit contains the content of the grade that can be taught to proficiency by the end of the unit. The assessment allows for measuring student proficiency of those targeted skills as the year of instruction progresses. Assessment procedures are not only used to evaluate student success but can also be used to evaluate the curriculum itself. Essentially, by assessing our students, we are also evaluating the curriculum. There are two categories assessments can be placed into; traditional and alternative. Both assessment approaches can prove useful in different ways. Traditional assessment includes multiple choice, true/false, matching, and completion tests. With the constant push towards raising statewide test scores it is hard to create a curriculum without having this in mind. At the elementary school level, students are required to take the PARCC assessment. Alternative assessments may include student projects, portfolios of collected work samples, and real problem solving activities. Alternative assessment is being used a lot more today than in previous years. Although the

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