
Every Trip Is A Quest Essay

Decent Essays

1. Every Trip is a Quest (Except when It’s Not) The five parts of a quest are: a quester a place to go a stated reason to go there challenges and trials en route a real reason to go there The stated reason is never the real reason for the quest, as the real reason is always self-knowledge. Huckleberry Finn: Huck is the quester and originally he runs away to get away from his abusive father. When he meets Jim, a runaway slave, the place to go becomes the north where slavery is illegal. Many challenges follow including mix ins with robbers and con artists. The real reason for the quest ends up being that Huck has learned to understand the world around him, to distinguish good, bad, right, wrong, menace, friend, and so on. Cry the Beloved Country: …show more content…

They exploited his vulnerable position as a black man for their own gain. 4. Now, Where Have I Seen Her Before? there’s no such thing as a wholly original work of literature to make connections to past characters, think of new characters in generic forms. There are often ties in their plot usage or characterization intertextuality: the ongoing interaction between poems and books which brings multiple layers of meaning to the text Lord of the Flies: uses intertextuality by drawing connections from Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island. Instead of glorifying the experience, Golding takes a different approach by casting a grim tone by demonstrating the negative impacts of savagery. In this, stories are growing out of other stories. 5. When in Doubt, It’s from Shakespeare… authors often reference Shakespeare some authors play off of Shakespeare by “responding” to him in their work authors use Shakespeare in order to give themselves authority and sound intelligent and

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