
Everyday Use By Alice Walker Analysis

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“Literature, written works, especially those considered superior or artistic lasting merit.” ( oxford English dictionary ) Alice walkers “Everyday use” is a short story that focuses on family, heritage and how education can change people. This story strikes sudden and urgent, it takes you away by touching on bonds between women of different generations and their enduring legacy. Walker demonstrates incredible utilization of setting, symbolism, and language in the story. “Everyday use” in my opinion, is undeniably an important piece of American Literature for those reasons alone.

“Everyday use” being set in the 1960’s to early 1970’s when African Americans were struggling to seize control of their social, cultural and political identity …show more content…

This underlying message that I believe walker has tried to symbolize is the reality of this happening in so many families all around the world, forgetting who they were raised to be, where they came from and most Importantly who helped them get there. Another form of clever symbolism is the quilts themselves, the title of this story “Everyday Use” metaphorically refers to how mama wants the quilts to be used. “In both of the quilts were scraps of dresses grandma Dee had worn fifty and more years ago, Bits and pieces of grandpa Jarrells paisley shirts and one teeny faded blue piece about the size of a penny matchbox that was one of great grandpas erds uniform that he wore in the Civil War.” ( ) The quilts are very important and represent the entire past of their family dating all the way back to the civil war. Not only are these quilts representing the families past, but they are pieces of history, documents in fabric that chronicle the lives of the various generations and trails such as war and poverty that they faced. The quilts symbolize a testament to the family’s history, pride and struggle. Lastly Id like to make way to a final observation giving light to Walker’s incredible sense of symbolism. The yard appears in the first and last sentences of the story, mama goes into great detail about the yard “ “ The outdoors is a place of freedom, whereas the interior of the house offers restraint and discomfort. Much like the quilt the yard is used to show the importance of heritage and “the something, produced out of nothing, by people lacking everything”

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