
Everyday Young Hero Awards Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Thank you for publishing “Everyday Young Hero Awards”. I have read multiple articles and lists on influential and dynamic youth, and find that yours is one of if not the most meaningful of them all. I hope you continue to recognize these everyday teens for their achievements in society. As I previously stated, this article is very meaningful and like a beacon in the night it has inspired me to follow in its path. The fact that you recognize everyday teens is one of the key reasons why I believe this list is the best of them all. Other lists I have read have mainly exhibited celebrity teens that have already had a chance to make a name for themselves and are shown mostly for the reason that they are well-known. Likewise, I think youth such as Billy Cook and Anna Murphy are excellent candidates to be portrayed on a list of powerful teens because they are youth assisting others and not receiving much appreciation. Consequently, you are showing the public that one idea can change the world and that doing something as simple as helping solve problems is all it takes to be influential. In addition, unlike other lists, most teens on this list did not avail others to gain attention, money or power; instead they did it because they were intrinsically motivated. This is very important considering the list is showing prominent teens that neither are famous or providing aid in return of gain, which is something that people need to realize since they assume that they should only help others if it will make them powerful, rich, or famous. Furthermore, I regard that your list is more relevant than others being that the Y.S.A. is a non-profit organization and …show more content…

Myself along with many others have been inspired to help resolve problems because of your list and have realized that we do not need to be famous to be powerful. I hope you continue to post these youth weekly for everyone to

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