
Evidence In Criminal Law Cases

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Police officers put their lives out on risk for everyone, knowing that they may not come home to their families. They deserve the best things to be safe alongside us, as they are the ones protecting us. What do police officers actually do for starters. They are assigned designated areas to patrol, during the shifts they can “respond to calls, enforce laws, make arrests, issue citations, and occasionally testify in court cases.” (criminal justice) When they do their job right and obey the law, they are able to do the things that they need to do. All the different things they do, all led to solving cases and put criminals away from getting to us. (Findlaw) Police do a lot of other things like volunteer on their off time or help train rookies. …show more content…

The outcome of many criminal law cases will depend upon the strength and admissibility of evidence. Some evidence is “Admissible, Suppressed, Hearsay, and Scientific and Forensic Evidence.” (findlaw) Admissible evidence has to be relate to crime taking place which can either prove or not prove. (findlaw) Suppressed evidence is evidence that has been obtained in a legal way that a judge is to turn down. It can also be when a prosecutor hid the evidence when all of it is needed for the defense. This will violate the 5th amendment.(Hill). Some people may think that the evidence is to much and that it will hurt someone more than help them, but that’s wrong it helps you if you haven’t done anything bad. Hearsay evidence is coming from a 3rd view perspective. (findlaw) An example would be, Me and my neighbor were walking down the street and our friends comes running by us and she tells us that a robbery was taking place. She says that she was held at beyond her will. So after that if the police need us to testify something like that would be said. When your court you just have to simply explain the truth from what you would were told. Through Scientific and forensic it can also form, “Blood Spatter Analysis, Ballistics, Gunshot Residue Analysis, Fingerprints, DNA Analysis.” (Kaman). Theses all come from a crime scene from whatever crime was …show more content…

The motto for police is “protect and serve”. So should they be required to protect us? No they shouldn’t but they should be wanting to protect the citizens because that would be a great reason for wanted to serve and protect. “They often make traffic stops, respond to domestic disturbances, and, at times, provide first aid to someone involved in a traffic accident or injured in a domestic dispute until paramedics arrive.” (criminal justice). They are here to help until paramedics get there. This is one way they help protect us everyday. “On a daily basis, an average of 268,000 9-1-1 calls are made, 80 to 85 percent of which are for law enforcement assistance.” (policemag) In the beginning i said we need to be courtesy. Now this is what i mean, prank calls take up over half of their time. Also, non-emergency calls. The people who called 9-1-1 that are non-emergency need to know that they are wasting the police’s time. Some may disagree and think that it is okay to call and talk to them, which it can be but the time they are wasting is a time where someone who really needs help won’t get help. Police Officers would still need to response to the calls even though they aren’t that important because it may turn up that they are helping someone and could catch a crime being committed across the

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