
Evolution Of The Baseball Bat

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The evolution of the baseball bat dates back to when baseball was a growing sport. The first wood bats cannot be compared with today’s wood bats, and the BESR bats of the past cannot be compared with the modern BBCOR bats. The first wood baseball bats were considered sticks because they did not have a lot of pop, which is how hard the ball bounces off of the bat. As the wood bat progressed, the ball began to fly farther and travel faster. This change in wood baseball bats can be related to the change in metal bats. When metal bats were first introduced, they were considered inferior to wood bats until the new and improved BESR bats were introduced. These bats had more pop than ever before, and were considered dangerous. Because of this danger, the BBCOR bats had to be introduced in 2011. Because of the major advances in technology, bat manufacturers are able to tune the bats to the BBCOR certifiable level. The introduction of BBCOR bats into college and high school baseball has moved the game in a positive direction by making baseball more realistic, creating a safer game, and making it easier to project a player’s future.
First of all, baseball bats come in many different shapes and sizes for all levels of play. The youth baseball bats have a different level of pop than the adult version of the baseball bats. For instance, the youth baseball bats have a pop level of 1.15, and the adult versions of the bats have a pop level of .50. When a ball hits the barrel of any bat, “it

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