
Evolution Of Warfare : A Controversial Topic

Good Essays

Sharianne Jackson
Mrs. Davis
English III
16 March 2017
Evolution of Warfare War has been a controversial topic in all the years I have been alive. War has made so many positive impacts on technology, medicine and many other scientific advances. Although with more deadly technology comes more social and political repercussions. Some discoveries during wartime has been Penicillin which has been estimated to have saved two hundred million or more lives since its discovery. Because of war we have treatments for brain traumas such as PTS (Post traumatic stress disorder). War is a necessary evil that just has to happen.
Advances In Weapons & Technology In 1860 during the American civil war, americans used rifles such as the Springfield rifle …show more content…

This method usually involves isotopes of uranium or plutonium (How do Nuclear Weapons Work?).” Although this topic was very controversial the United States has since continued manufacture of these weapons and have now moved to underground test shots.
Another weapons advancement has been high caliber machine guns such as the Pulsed Energy Projectile or PEP. The PEP is basically a high powered laser, “Early tests indicated that PEPs caused temporary paralysis thought to be related to ultrasonic shockwaves. It became apparent that the electromagnetic pulse caused by the expanding plasma was triggering nerve cells (Pulsed Energy Projectile EMPs Your Nervous System).” This weapon although designed to stun enemies it has caused more damage than expected, but in war isn’t that still good?
Advances In Battlefield Medicine In war many people get injured. Back during the civil war there was nothing they could do any many died of their wounds or infections. Since then our doctors and Army branches have worked hard to develop new tactics for treating wounds on the battle grounds, “Since 2005, field hospitals also have employed continuous venovenous hemofiltration, a short-term emergency dialysis treatment reducing the incidence of pulmonary edema and respiratory failure among burn victims, many of whom previously had been given too much saline fluid during resuscitation (Defense

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