
Example Of Manfrotto Tripod

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Manfrotto tripods
Tripod Buying Guide
Two key pieces of advice about tripods: never buy more tripod that the tripod you are willing to carry and… BUY a TRIPOD! This guide will help you choose not the best single tripod for you, but the best tripods for your different needs. Because, believe me, a tripod, or tripods, you must have if you want to explore the many paths of photography.
Marketing of modern cameras promises you this world and beyond when it comes to ISO. Many times you’ll also find the suggestion that you do not need a tripod because you can raise your ISO so high that… night becomes day. Or almost. Yes, we’re blessed with high ISO, but does that mean you can take tripods out of your list when it comes to photography?
Obviously not. Because, no matter what the marketing tells you, there will never be a way to make a long exposure without the support of a three-legged friend. Yes, you can handhold your camera in more situations now, because ISO goes higher, but that only works if you want to use medium to high speeds; when you go below 1/60 of a second, a tripod may be a good thing to have around. …show more content…

It may also be your friend when, for creative reasons, you want to open your aperture, add a strong neutral density filter and get a shallow depth of field. It definitively is essential when you want to use a slower shutter speed, to capture a slice of time in a single frame. Or in the studio, to create multiple frames that all register the subject at exactly the same place. Or if you want to let your camera register multiple images, as so many people do when they create time

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