
Example Of Negligence In Business Law

Decent Essays

Business Law Analysis Assignment Brendan Young Niagara College Example 1: Negligence refers to “unreasonable conduct, including a careless act or omission, that causes harm to another” (Duplessis, O’Byrne, King, Adams, Enman, 2016, p. 225). The truck driver did show reasonable care while at the intersection where he had the right of way. Furthermore, the driver did try to brake for the pedestrian but unfortunately did not react in time to stop. Therefore, the driver does not owe the pedestrian a duty of care. Even thou the pedestrian suffered serious injuries he would have a hard time proving in a court of law that the driver has committed the tort of negligence because of the remoteness of the incident. The pedestrian could try to sue the employer for vicarious liability but that also would not likely yield a favorable outcome for the …show more content…

Depending on the severity of the injury the driver sustained and how long he would not be able to work would determine how much he could receive in damages in a lawsuit. Example 3: The driver has committed the tort of negligence and owes the employee a duty of care because he did not slow down due to the severe weather conditions. Indeed the defendant did breach the standard of care with poor judgement in this situation. A reasonable person in law does not have to be flawless to be held responsible for their actions. The plaintiff can sue in tort due to his injuries caused by the careless act by the defendant. This injury was not remote and was definitely foreseeable. A third party the owner of the store can sue for the property damaged that also occurred. The defendant could try to prove that the plaintiff was partially responsible to reduce the damages he would have to pay. In conclusion, contributory negligence would be hard to prove in this case the employee was doing his job and not in the direct path of the

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