
Example Of Personal Statement

Decent Essays

My father was raised in a predominantly Dominican neighborhood in New York City. Along with other immigrant families, he grew up in the basements of tenement buildings. When he left home at 17, set out to quickly assimilate into what he viewed as mainstream America. This included raising me as an American first. As a result, I lacked a connection to my culture. I knew nothing about Dominican culture, food, or music. I yearned to learn more about my cultural identity. Fortunately, I attended one of Seattle's most diverse public high schools. Students there spoke more than 15 different languages. While I was unable to connect with students from the Dominican Republic, by befriending students who had come from all over the world, I learned a great deal about the world and other people's lives. Through my personal quest to learn more about myself, I discovered a passion for building awareness about other cultural perspectives. When I saw there was an isolation of Islamic students at …show more content…

This passion and my fondness of science combined to fuel a personal goal of mine to aid in improving access to health care in impoverished nations. To realize this goal, I committed to formal and informal language studies. In addition to taking four years of Spanish, I took Arabic language classes after school. I also completed a global leadership program where I learned about international poverty issues and how I can empower myself to do my part to make a positive change in the world. In college, I plan to minor in Spanish. I have not had the opportunity to travel, but I volunteer locally at non-profit organizations that serve low-income families. Doing this volunteer work provides me with a much clearer vision and commitment to pursuing my global advocacy

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