
Example Of Respect Research Paper

Decent Essays

Respect in our Lives

Respect. Something our world would be chaotic without. Even though not everyone gives respect vividly, I think our community has enough to get by.

Our community has respect in most places. For example, the school for the public library. There could be respect in many different places. The bowling alley is a place to show respect. You take off your shoes when you go on the wooden floor. You should untie your shoes when you are done bowling and turn them in to the person at the counter. There are some places that could receive more courtesy, for example the movie theater. There are people who talk to their neighbors or keep their phones on during the movie. By being quiet and turning off phones, people could show more respect.

We can show respect anywhere. Many people who go to the olympics have to show respect to one another. Showing good sportsmanship to the other competitor who just beat them for the gold medal. The olympians from America have to show respect to the people from other countries and vise versa. If you watch the olympics you see people who don’t know each other from different countries hugging each other. This is showing sportsmanship to another countries’ athletes knowing that they have worked hard for this specific worldwide event. …show more content…

People could also help the world by trying to recycle more or not polluting the ocean by throwing trash in it. Recycling as much paper as you can will save trees and not as much plastic and recyclable things will be piled up on the landfill. Polluting the ocean means the fish see plastic and eat it. Then we catch the fish and eat the fish, but also the plastic fragments that the fish ate when it was swimming in the ocean. If you don’t pollute the ocean you’re showing respect to the planet and making it healthier for yourself. I know that I don’t want to eat

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