
Examples Of Abuse Of Power In The Kite Runner

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In our world today, the entitlement to power and rights are being abused and taken for granted. A recent example is the shooting in Las Vegas the shooter abused his power and rights of being able to carry a gun for mass destruction. He was just thinking of himself and not how it would affect others around him. In both of the books Les Misérables and The Kite Runner there is great emphasis on how some people feel they are entitled to more power and try to enforce and abuse it with no thought. The Kite Runner has this character Assef, he would be defined as the physical antagonist, he represents everything bad in this society. He represents how people have power that should never have the chance to be in charge of anything. So much bad is happening: war, chaos, destruction and he is the physical representation of all of it, he is the character that everyone hates as they read a …show more content…

Hassan and his wife Farzana have passed recently because of the invasion of Taliban’s, the result of this is that Sohrab is left in an orphanage. Assef recognizes that Sohrab is Hassan’s child and takes him “captive” for say and takes advantage of the him the same way he had done to his father. This helps show he needs this to feel in charge and in power. He robs the happiness of Sohrab too, but Amir stands up for him and saves him and he no longer has to suffer through Assef’s cowardness. In Les Misérables, Thénardier is obsessed with the thought of having money and being rich. He feels no grief for how he abuses Cosette. He has criminal records in robbery, fraud, murder, and very strong connections to the criminal world in Paris. He is incapable of sharing and having love for others because of his obsession with money and greed. Nevertheless in the end of the book he and his daughter move to America where he later becomes a slave trader, reiterating his lack of care for the well-being of humans

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