
Examples Of Act Utilitarianism

Decent Essays

Act utilitarianism is an action that is morally required just because it does more to improve overall well-being than any other action you could have done in the circumstances. The principle of utility states that you should always perform the action that maximizes overall utility. Act utilitarianism and the principle of utility is a large portion of what I am going to refer to in this essay. The moral worth of any action is determined by outcome or consequences which explains why utilitarianism is a version of consequentialism. Utilitarianism is a form of teleological ethics. This idea is defended by John Stuart Mill (a hedonist), and an important British philosopher. A hedonist is a person who believes that the pursuit of pleasure is the …show more content…

This is can be demonstrated as negative principle for example, as shown in the television show, Black Mirror third season episode “Men Against Fire”. Soldiers are inserted with an implant called MASS, that distorts their reality. through their eyes, aliens are infected and steal from the citizens in the community, this results in the soldiers killing the infected people given the name “roaches”. One soldiers MASS glitches from a device made from the roaches. He then makes a discovery that after all the creatures he saw as monsters are just human. The military he works for is using the MASS to promote genocide. Utilitarianism’s principles would categorize the scenario that takes place in the television show as plausible to make the genocide morally right, because it promoted happiness for the larger and powerful population of the community. While we know that genocide is morally wrong and cruel, in the position of utilitarianism, it would be seen as fitting. Another reason I am defending the objection of injustice is because it calls attention to problems pertaining to the violation of individuals religious and socioeconomic statuses as well as the rights appertaining to a person. I deny utilitarianism because it does not protect individuals against opinions of the majority. “If the happiness of the people is increased enough, it can justify making one (or a few) miserable in …show more content…

This was put into writing and set as a standard for all people, so they are aware that they have individual rights for just existing as a human being. The idea of utilitarianism does not concern itself with limitations for how the majority can treat other people who are considered the minority in these examples. Rights were set in place to protect individual freedoms even if the end result does maximize happiness for some people. This is something that should not be done if it infringes on people’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. freedom. Utilitarianism doesn’t respect individual rights or liberty, because it doesn’t recognize any restrictions on actions that create the greatest happiness and that is not

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