
Examples Of Atticus 'Honest In To Kill A Mockingbird'

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Atticus is honest with his children. For example on page 116, Atticus says, Jack! When a child asks you something, answer him, for goodness’ sake.” That is to say, Atticus explains to Jack, his brother, that when a child asks Jack a question, he should answer them honestly. The evidence highlights that, the quote shows Atticus’ belief that the children should know the truth. On page 117 in the text, Atticus states, “I just hope that Jem and Scout come to me for their answers instead of listening to the town. I hope they trust me enough.” Basically, Atticus explains that he wants his children to thrust him enough to hold to him with their questions. Atticus will be honest with them but the town most likely will not. It seems as though, this …show more content…

This evidence highlights that, Atticus tries to teach his children life lessons and sets a good example about wanting to understand others. Another example of Atticus setting good examples is on page 99 where scout asks, “Do you defend niggers Atticus?” Atticus follows this question with, “Of course I do. Don't say nigger scout, that's common.” In other words, Scout asks Atticus if he defends nigger and without hesitation Atticus answers of course and reminds scout not to say nigger, it is impolite. This quote goes to show, “ Atticus sets a good example to Scout by being honest with her, not taking shame in defending a negro, and correcting her language. Both of the above quotes illustrate, Atticus’ good morals and how he tries to pass them on to children. As you know, setting a good example is key to good …show more content…

What was one negro, more or less, among two hundred of ‘em? He wasn't Tom to them, he was an escaping prisoner.” In other words, Atticus is taking his own advice and trying to understand the situation from the guards point of view. He then explained the guards point of view to the women so that they don't get angry. This quote examples Atticus being fair and understanding. Instead of taking the easy way and just getting mad, he tried to be fair and understand the guard. Another good example is on page 41 where Atticus says, “Do you know what a compromise is?” Later on this page Atticus bargains, “ If you'll concede to the necessity of going to school, we’ll go on reading every night just like we always have. Is that a bargain?” Simply put, Atticus asks Scout if she knows what a compromise is and then says that if she goes to school, they can continue to read. As you can see, this shows Atticus being fair. He has the power to force her to go to school, but instead reasons with Scout, making it fair for both of them. Based on the given evidence, Atticus is always being fair to everyone, which makes for a more likeable father. If the children enjoy and like the parent then there is a greater chance of the children wanting to be

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