
Examples Of Belonging In Hamlet

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In Act 1, Scene 5 of Shakespeare’s, Hamlet, Prince Hamlet has an encounter with his father’s ghost, where the ghost reveals to him that his uncle had plotted and killed King Hamlet, and that his mother and uncle were lusting after one another prior to this. At this moment of revelation, it is clear that Hamlet is angry with the news. Implied within the context of the situation, Hamlet’s sense of belonging is now being attacked; for instance, in the monologue Hamlets states, “I’m surrounded by condemnation, that my life seems to be more of a confrontation” (Line 3). This quotation shows that Hamlet feels alienated from his family as he is surrounded by the wicked schemes of his uncle and ignorance of his mother. This relates back to Maslow's Hierarchy of …show more content…

The “Need of Belonging” has distinctive attributes that an individual needs to fully develop in that area. These attributes include; “friendship, intimacy, affection, and love from work group, family, friends, romantic relationship” (McLeod para 11). In the play it is evident that Hamlet’s source of belonging has been taken away from him. From the death of his father, to the sudden marriage of his mother and uncle, and now the information that his uncle killed his father, it is evident that Hamlet does not feel as if he belongs within his family, which he states at the ending of the monologue, “I’m angry that my uncle has ulterior motives, that my mother is part of his schemes, that my father is buried six feet beneath. This so called family is an atrocity” (Line 27-28). In addition, another need that is affected is the “Need of Esteem”, specifically the attribute of “lack of respect.” With the knowledge of what his family has done, Hamlet develops a lack of respect for these particular individuals, which, overall effects how he views others. The lack of respect results in Hamlet speaking ill of his mother, calling her a “Harlot” in Line 23, and also regarding Claudius as one with “ulterior motives” (Line

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