
Examples Of Blindness In The Great Gatsby

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In the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby is portrayed as a unique, rich, and caring character with many interesting life’s stories, but has one goal in life and that’s to be with his first love Daisy and ends up ruining his life and being murdered for this love. It is evident that Charles Thomas Samuels is correct in his assertion, “The book's chief characters are blind, and they behave blindly”. The characters in The Great Gatsby behave blindly because they do not see the realistic outcomes to their decisions and how it may affect others. Also some of the characters don’t see or appreciate the things they have causing them to want more, but the will never be satisfied. All the characters in the book make decisions whether they are good or bad, but in the …show more content…

As a witness to everything that happened, the character Nick is a well rounded man who cares much about the close people in his life. He is good friends with Gatsby and looks up to him only to be disappointed by his actions, but this never changes there friendship. In the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, we learn that the characters behave blindly all throughout the book from the criticism of Charles Thomas Samuels. First of all, Gatsby is one of the characters that acts blindly by not seeing the destruction he is creating in other people’s life. In the book we learn that Gatsby interferes with Tom and Daisy’s marriage because he loves Daisy and ends up losing her while losing himself. We see this specifically when Gatsby and Daisy leave New York after fighting with Tom and then on the way home Daisy runs over a woman named Myrtle in the street instantly killing her. The terrible incident was described by a conversation between Nick and Gatsby, “He hesitated. ‘Was she killed?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘I thought so; I told Daisy I thought so. It’s better that the shock should all come at once. She stood it pretty well.’ He spoke as if Daisy’s reaction

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