
Examples Of Moral Ambiguity In The Great Gatsby

Decent Essays

Readers like to define which characters are “good” or “evil” in a book in order to shape their opinion towards the character better. In the novel, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, every character has some corruption of morals and could be defined as either choice. However, there are also characters who can be seen as morally ambiguous. Specifically, Jay Gatsby’s moral ambiguity as a character portrays how living in the past can cause a corruption of morals. Compared to the other characters in the novel, Gatsby’s actions appeared to be the most justified through his motives. Throughout the novel, it is apparent that Gatsby’s main motive for achieving anything was for the person he loved the most, Daisy. Gatsby only developed the goal of becoming rich and successful in order to impress and win over Daisy. When he gave Daisy a tour of his impressive house, all he was doing was showing off all of his material goods such as when he “took out a pile of shirts and began throwing them one by one” (Fitzgerald 97). Gatsby wanted to show Daisy how worthy he was of her love with all of the material goods he possessed, as she was from a more prosperous background than he was. Although this was not the healthiest way of living, Myrtle, on the other hand, had much more greedier motives. Myrtle had an affair with Tom only in …show more content…

Although, compared to most characters in the book, he can be viewed as having the most justified morals as many of Gatsby’s actions were done out of love for Daisy. Gatsby’s moral ambiguity and obsession with the past shows how his morals are normally viewed as more corrupt than justified. Fitzgerald was able to teach a valuable lesson on how one can never live in the present if fixated on the past through Gatsby’s character. Therefore, the story will never continue unless the page is

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