
Examples Of Capital Punishment In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill A Mockingbird is a novel that presents some harsh issues that a little girl named Scout has trouble understanding. Scout has some trouble understanding Capital Punishment and why we use it. She thinks it’s not good because Tom Robinson got Capital Punishment even though he was clearly innocent. Bob Ewell claimed that Tom Robinson raped his daughter and left her with bruises and other wounds all over her. Bob Ewell didn’t like black people so he did this because he knew he could get Tom Robinson into Capital Punishment if he got him into court because the jury is made up of white racist men. What really happened was Bob Ewell’s daughter sexually harassed Tom and Bob caught her do it so he beat his daughter while Tom was able to escape. He got his daughter to say he raped her when they went to court and they lied about the whole thing. Tom Robinson got Capital punishment, however, he ran away and got shot. …show more content…

In To Kill A Mockingbird if you are guilty of rape you instantly get Capital Punishment. They do this in different states, but for different crimes because that state thinks that crime is the worst. Bob Ewell knew if he accused Tom with rape he would get Capital Punishment because their state is completely against rape and if you are caught doing it you will be executed. Capital Punishment was never outlawed nationally because it could prevent future murders, rapes, etc. To Kill A Mockingbird is based in Alabama, which has Capital Punishment. Other states have Capital Punishment too, although some have different ways of executing criminals. These different ways are lethal injections, gas, electrocution, etc. There are still 37 states that still have Capital Punishment including Alabama. These states still have Capital Punishment because they believe it helps prevent future crimes, but some states got rid of Capital

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