
Examples Of Cheating The System In The Great Gatsby

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Korrie Han Ms. Zachmeier ALH (4) 22 September 2017 Cheating the System In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby manifests of the corruption of American society through his immoral values and manipulative nature. Gatsby earns his massive wealth through unethical methods, often sacrificing his reputation and virtue. This can be seen in the illegal business transactions between Gatsby and Meyer Wolfshiem. When Nick goes out to lunch with Gatsby and meets Wolfsheim for the first time, he expressed his skepticism over their relationship. Gatsby says, “Meyer Wolfsheim? No, he’s a gambler.’ Gatsby hesitated, then added coolly: ‘He’s the man who fixed the World’s Series back in 1919.’’’ (Fitzgerald 77). Nick is perplexed by the idea that Gatsby would know and work with someone so scandalous, when all Gatsby claimed to do was good deeds. At this point, suspicion arises as it is revealed that Gatsby may not be the innocent, admirable person he appears to be. Nick goes on to discover Gatsby’s true career when Tom says, “I found out what your ‘drug’ stores were...He and Wolfsheim bought up a lot of side- street drug-stores here and in Chicago and sold grain and alcohol over the counter” (133). To this, Gatsby replies, ‘What about it? I guess your friend Walter Chase wasn't too proud to come in on it.’’ (133). When he is caught lying, Gatsby does not give the situation any thought. As he sees it, everyone is engaged in some kind of deception, either caught up with the innumerable rumors or seeing him as a kindhearted soul. As long as his dream to be with Daisy stays alive, Gatsby is wholeheartedly willing to commit crimes and break laws while staying out of trouble with the aid of his status and deceit. In addition to his immorality, Gatsby’s manipulation plays a major role in societal affairs by telling people what they want to hear or aiding them in favors that would have to be repaid for a lifetime. An example of this is when Gatsby gets pulled over by a police officer for speeding, but he is let off the hook once he shows the officer a white card. The police officer immediately apologizes for pulling him over, and Gatsby explains to Nick that “[he] was able to do the commissioner a favor once”

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