
Examples Of Chivalry In King Arthur

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When you think of a knight what comes to mind? They have to brave to fight off the bad guys. They also have to he will to help the weak when in trouble. Finally they have to portray courage, honor, and justice for the good. Knights are to do good for others and protects us just like heroes or superheroes. Knights have certain morals that set them up to be able to become successful in what they do. Kings hire knights to protect or fight for their kingdom, like soldiers do for America. Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia says, “The term chivalry came to mean the gallantry and honor expected of knights.” This basically says that knight have things that are accepted of them to be a knight, they have to follow these or they are not a true knight. There are six text that show chivalry within them: King Arthur, Perceval, Green Knight, Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid, Beowulf and the song of Roland. King Arthur a boy who became king by pulling the sword out of the stone. No man could do it but himself, he is the rightful king of England. Arthur shows chivalry by going to war with his soldiers not many kings do that, they usually stay in the kingdom to not fight and get killed. Other issue is when he doesn’t back down from his son. He knows he will die, it is in his …show more content…

Making a chivalrous decides he decides to stay and not run away from them just because they want him dead. Roland also represents a knight by having religious beliefs for god, he gives his loyalty and everything he has to his spiritual belief. “The feudal system linked lords and vassals with a series of obligations and loyalties. A vassal gave his total loyalty in exchange for protection and vengeance should the vassal be killed in service of his lord. In The Song of Roland, vassalage is depicted as parallel to Christianity. Roland's ultimate liege lord is God, and it is in serving Charlemagne that Roland fulfills his duties as a

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