
Examples Of Chris Foolish In Into The Wild

Decent Essays

In the book “Into The Wild” the main character Chris was foolish because, he did not know what he was doing, he was reckless, and he was stubborn. Chris is naive because he does not know what he is doing.” Alaskan hunters know that the easiest way to preserve meat in the bush is to slice it into thin strips and then air-dry it on a makeshift rack. But since McCandless, in his naivete, relied on advice of hunters he’d consulted in South Dakota, who advised him to smoke his meat, not any easy task under the circumstances”(Krakauer 114). This quote connects to the thesis because it shows Chris did not know what he was doing, and it made it even more unlikely that he would survive. Another example of Chris being foolish is when he is being reckless.”

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