
Examples Of Racial Discrimination In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Submitted By – Megha Priya
Enrollment Number – A0706116038

An analysis of the themes of Class Consciousness and
Racial Discrimination in Harper Lee’s
To Kill a Mockingbird


To Kill a Mockingbird is an immensely popular novel by Harper Lee, which was published in 1960. It went on to become a classic of modern American literature after winning the Pulitzer Prize. Cited as ‘an astonishing phenomenon’ by many critics, this novel is partially autobiographical in nature. The plot and characters are apparently based on Lee’s observations of her own family and neighbors. Although it deals with a number of serious issues like rape, social and racial inequality, readers visit it again and again because of its warmth and humor. To Kill a Mockingbird is considered as the most widely read book dealing with race in America, and Atticus Finch is considered the most enduring fictional image of racial heroism. The novel is classified as a …show more content…

Very early in the novel, we are acquainted with the social and class prejudices existing in Maycomb. On the first day of school, Scout clashes with her teacher, Miss Caroline for the latter had offered money to one of her students, Walter Cunningham. When Walter refuses the money, Scout explains to Miss Caroline, her teacher that the Cunninghams suffer from poverty and that Walter would not have enough money to repay her. Scout narrates a time when Atticus served as the Cunningham’s lawyer, and having no money to repay Atticus, they paid Atticus in the form of stove wood and hickory nuts. Later in the story, Jem invites Walter to their house for lunch. While having their meal, Walter pours molasses ‘on his vegetables and meat with a generous hand’ (27). This act not only causes Scout to embarrass Walter and Calpurnia’s subsequent punishing of Scout, but also shows a difference in status between the Cunningham and Finch

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