
Examples Of Command And Control In The Aftermath Of Katrina

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The Battle for Control in the Aftermath of Katrina
In August 2005, Hurricane Katrina left a path of destruction down the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico. It was the worst natural disaster that the United States had encountered up to that point. Even with warning signs before the storm hit, local and state governments failed to adhere to the warnings. Katrina’s worst devastation came in New Orleans where thousands lost everything due to massive flooding. New Orleans was in desperate need of assistance. Unfortunately, due to difficult circumstances at every level of government, the relief would have to wait. “Breakdowns in communication and confused emergency and law enforcement responses from local, state, and federal officials in the hours and days after Hurricane Katrina led to chaos and panic in the affected areas, endangering citizens’ property and lives.” (Tkacz, 2006, p. 1) Command Relationships were a complete failure in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina due to the absence of Command and Control, training for that type of situation, and the lack of resources.
Command and Control Command and Control is vital for any type of mission to be successful. Every agency needed to work together and react quickly in order to take control of the situation and help those affected by Katrina. This failed to occur, instead what happened was local and state law enforcement became overwhelmed by the devastation that they simply abandoned their posts in the

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