
Examples Of Conflict In Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

Traditionally, conflict is a major literary element that creates challenges in a story by adding uncertainty to if the goal would be achieved. Throughout the novel, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, there are many different forms of conflict: Man VS man, man VS society, and man VS himself. With all of these conflicts we get a more clear understanding of Montag, and the love he has for his wife, as well as the lack of love and understanding in the rest of society. This essay will show how Ray Bradbury uses different forms of conflict to show that love isn’t a given in any society, and cannot exist in a society consisting only of citizens who are incapable of thinking for themselves.
The first conflict used to show the theme of love and its non-existence in this is society is Montag VS himself. Very soon into the novel Montag’s realizations about society start to come through, and he starts …show more content…

Once Montag’s books have been discovered he learns Mildred is the one who turned him in, the ultimate form of betrayal. (111) “ ‘Mildred!’ She ran past with her body stiff, her face floured with powder, her mouth gone without lipstick. She sat mumbling, ‘Poor family, poor family, oh everything gone.’” (108). This quote shows Montag’s concern for Mildred, but it’s only met with Mildred’s worry for herself and her belongings. Throughout their relationship Mildred was more concerned about their financial state rather than Montag’s wellbeing. As Montag was battling against society Mildred betrayed him by turning him in, proving she doesn’t actually care about him, only the things he can provide for her. Relationships in this society are no longer built on trust and caring, rather they’re focused around the monetary values of

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