
Examples Of Conformism In Fahrenheit 451

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In the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Mildred and Beatty are conformists. Mildred always tends to want the newest trends and do what everyone else is doing. She even betrays her husband because he goes against society. Beatty is an old time conformist, and has always believe that books need to be burned. He will lie and do anything he can to make anyone want to burn books. Montag at first believed the lie that books must be burned, but as his mind works he realizes books can save the world and humanity. He becomes more of an individual and believes in his own thoughts instead of society's’. By the end of the book Montag is running from the city and memorizing books. In the novel Fahrenheit 451 the characters who show conformity are Mildred and Beatty, and one of the characters who shows individuality is Montag. …show more content…

Whenever someone else got a new wall screen she had to up one them and get a new one too, even if she got the last one just a month ago. She thought it was worth it to spend money to be able to see her “family” more. “How long do you figure before we save up and get the fourth wall torn out and a fourth wall-TV put in? It’s only two thousand dollars.” P. 18 Is a line that Mildred stated, which is big in showing her want for more and more electronics. Everyday when Montag came home from work Mildred would be seated in front of the TV or listening to her earphones. She was always so entranced in them that she would barely talk to her husband. Every woman in this time does not really care about their husband and she is exactly like the rest. When montag brought home books she got scared because she wouldn’t trust him that they were safe. She ended up reporting Montag to the police and left him. She relies too much in society and being like everyone

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