
Examples Of Cruelty In Night By Elie Wiesel

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The Holocaust began in 1941, and lasted to 1945. During two long years (1943 to 1945), Elie, in the novel Night, had experienced much trauma and cruelty within Auschwitz. Over the years in Auschwitz, Elie has struggled to maintain his sanity, his morals, and his humanity. Elie had been struggling to preserve himself. The Vile Nazis had expressed much cruelty towards Elie, therefore causing this conflict within himself. The Cruelty was a result of the Nazis being empty inside; they needed to convey their anger, or cruelty towards something. They controlled the Jews by expressing their cruelty, making them do their bidding fearing more of the cruelty. The Cruelty they expressed revealed that the Nazis were angry, and empty; the Jews had their …show more content…

They acted to avoid it, because the cruelty was almost too much to bear. A good example would be when Idek whipped Elie in front of hundreds of other Jews (57). Idek’s act of cruelty, along with other instances made others ultimately act the way he wanted in order to avoid his anger. The Nazis had not just to please themselves, but to also drain the Jews. Elie was losing compassion throughout the Novel for most of his stay at the Death Camp. Elie was talking about how he loved, and was now very close to his father. But as the passage progressed, his compassion towards his father was starting to deteriorate. As the father got weaker, Elie found him more of a useless weight more than anything else. Elie’s father was vexing for him. An example of his anger would be when Elie was angry at his father for being caught up in Idek’s frenzy, and asking himself, “Why couldn’t he (Elie’s father) avoided Idek’s wrath?”(54). All hope was lost in escape. The jews had already died inside, they cared no longer for freedom, just death. This shows just how extremely the cruelty affected them. It was explained earlier that they were being drained of emotion, and that they were. They felt nothing anymore as a result of this; the jews had fell into

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