
Examples Of Danforth In The Crucible

Decent Essays

“Them that will not confess will hang” (Miller 1324). Danforth, the main judge says this during the play, The Crucible, to explain that those who are accused of witchcraft will be hanged if they do not confess. During this moment in the play Danforth already demanded twelve people to be hanged. Danforth killed twelve innocent people total. Danforth and the rest of the judges carry the blame for the hangings in Salem during the witch trials because they only believe in the victims causing the victims to not tell the truth and resulting in the deaths of many innocent people. Danforth only believes in what the victims have to say, not the people being accused of witchcraft. When Danforth is telling the others why he believes in the girls during court he explains that “The witch and the victim. None other. Now we cannot hope the witch will accuse herself; granted? Therefore, we must rely on her victims – and they do testify, the children certainly do testify” (Miller 1301). Danforth is saying the girls wouldn’t lie because they are the victims. Danforth doesn’t see that the victims could lie. He knows the witch will not accuse herself. …show more content…

Another example of how Danforth carries the blame for the hangings and the deaths of many innocent people is the death of Giles. When Giles was accusing Thomas Putnam of attempting to benefit of the witch trials Danforth replies back with “In that case, I have no choice but to arrest you for contempt of this court” (Miller 1299). Danforth arrested Giles for contempt of the court. Danforth believes Giles knows something about the witchcraft. Later in the play, he was trying to get answers from Giles and caused the death of Giles by pressing him with rocks. Danforth killed another innocent

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