
Examples Of Dehumanization In Fahrenheit 451

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In this dystopian, government controlled world, books are burned onsight by firemen. In the book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, there are many conflicting thoughts and ideas proposed about the theme by the author. Although the theme that ties the whole story together is the concept of technology creating a drastic rise in dehumanization. There are many instances in the novel where this is stressed by Bradbury. There are several people throughout the story that are used to show examples of this. Mildred, the friends of Mildred, Captain Beatty, and Guy Montag himself are all used to present this. This theme covers multiple areas such as censorship and conformity. This book expresses the nonhuman interactions with technology and how it can be …show more content…

To make these books people had to create the reality on their own using their own thoughts and ideas. Bradbury used Montag to show this through a moment of realization, that someone would die for these books. This contributed the theme greatly and also showed character development in Montag which is important because it shows his changing perspectives on his society.The theme is displayed in the part two of the book “The Sieve and the Sand”, when Guy Montag is explaining books to Mildred and trying to persuade her to read the books with him. Mildred bursts out in frustration, kicking books. “Books aren’t people. You read and I look all around, but there isn’t anybody.” Mildred has a hard time listening to Montag read because she cant use imagery to create understandment. This shows how people are disconnected …show more content…

Her fake family from the wall T.V that she connects with rather than real people. These moments show how the advancement in technology are encouraging dehumanization. This also plays the part of censorship because this is how the government is keeping conformity by using these methods. In the chapter “Burning Bright” the theme is revealed when Montag is making his run from the government after being caught obtaining books and burning Captain Beatty alive. “With an effort, Montag reminded himself again that this was no fictional episode to be watched on his way to the river; it was in actuality his own chess game he was witnessing move by move”.This is an example of technology distracting people from having there own thoughts, dehumanizing their thinking in a sense of thinking through the eyes of technology and the government. Montag has these thoughts and refers to them as he is being chased, although he catches himself and reminds himself that this is real. All of these are corresponding, vital points that are a part of the theme. It seems as though Bradbury did this to help develop the theme by showing Guy Montag fighting the urge to think like the rest of his censored society under the government's thinking. I think Ray Bradbury made the theme of Fahrenheit 451 very clear after

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