
Examples Of Dehumanization In Night By Elie Wiesel

Decent Essays

Dehumanization “Never shall I forget the small faces of the small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transform into smoke under the silent sky.” - Elie Wiesel. This quote is very important to dehumanization because children are being burned during the holocaust. The holocaust was in WWII. The jewish race was being exterminated. In the memoir, Night, Wiesel reveals the theme of dehumanization throughout the book. Dehumanization affected Elie’s identity; however he still wrote the book because he wanted his readers to understand how bad this time period was. First of all we’ll look at dehumanization in the book in general. Elie was deeply affected by this dehumanization. Dehumanization affected his personality and his appearance. “I became A-7713. From then on I had know other name.” (Wiesel 42). His name being changed to a number proves dehumanization. Next is his father. He was also affected by this.”My father was beaten…”(Wiesel 39) This proves dehumanization because his father was beaten. The last dehumanization is the novel is the other Jews. They were affected and have other stories like Elie’s.” We were naked…”(Wiesel 36) The other Jews were not treated like humans. All of this dehumanization changed Elie’s identity. …show more content…

First of all we’ll look at his faith. Elie’s faith is a good chunk of his identity. “I doubted his justice…”(Wiesel 45) This shows his identity is changing because he is losing faith. The next part of his identity is his name. His name was perhaps the most important part of his identity. “I became A-7713. From the on I had no other name.” (Wiesel 42). Elie’s identity was changed because his name was changed. The final identity change that occured was when his father was beaten. “My father had been stuck and I had not even blinked.” (Wiesel 39). Elie was changed because he is slowly not caring for his father. All of this relates to the author's

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