
Examples Of Dishonesty In Othello

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Honesty and dishonesty are two of the most important features in Othello. Even though there is a small amount of honesty that is truly present throughout the play this is applied to the character Iago, who also strikes as the most dishonest in Othello. This is partly because the other characters seem so trust writhing in each other. That they never think someone so close and dear to them would deceive them. Which makes Iago capable of influencing, brainwashing, and molding the characters to his satisfaction. That he needs for the dreadful revenge he has planed against Othello.
Iago is the most command character that is referred to as dishonest but he is also the most honest character. However when Iago is dishonest he uses the other characters …show more content…

In hopes that we will obtain his job once he achieve his revenge. Cassio knows it would be in his bad judgment to drink more but Iago influences him into drinking more by stating, “what’s one more cup”. Which lead to the successes of Iago’s revenge with Cassio because he gets him to fight the disguise Roderigo. Iago pushes Cassio to the edge to guarantee he will get his position by mentioning to Montano that he becomes drunk frequently. Making him think that Cassio is always this violent towards his own men. Which makes Iago look respectful because he is being honest. Once Othello fines out Cassio is immediately fired and then Iago becomes the more loved in Othello’s eyes. Roderigo is a character that we see in both the film and play on how Iago uses him to fulfill his desires. Iago persuades Roderigo that he can still win the love of Desdemona’s away her husband and that the only person standing in the way is Cassio. In this way when he plots to humiliate Cassio it seems as if he is doing it for Roderigo but Iago is actually using this as revenge on Cassio for taking the position he desired.
A main reason that Iago is so successful at influencing others is because they have a lot of trust in him and don’t realize that being manipulated. Cassio is foolish and decides to go to Iago for advice even after he spoke up and got him fired. He still has a major amount of trusts …show more content…

When maneuvering to break up a joyful marriage to seek a revenge on others by uses certain phrases like, “As honest as I am”, “As I am an honest man”, and “in the sincerity of love and honest kindness”. These are phrase Iago uses to mask his true feeling on individuals. In Act I scene I he tells Roderigo of only how a fool acts honest and advises putting himself before honesty, which he does. The other characters begin to see Iago as an honest trustworthy man, particularly Othello. He is a character that holds people to there honest and he never thinks twice that someone would be dishonest with him. Especially someone that is so close to him like Iago. Cassio has claimed that he has never met a Florentine so sympathetic and honest that is defining Othello. Desdemona expresses to Iago’s Wife Emily that he is an honest man and that Othello feels his love and honesty doth the matter of Cassio’s his best man being fired. In deed, Othello even tells the governor of Venice that Iago is a true man of honesty and that he is a type of man that we would trust to even take care of his wife while he is away. Iago knows that honesty is everything to Othello and will take this advantage of both honesty and trust “He holds me well, the better shall my purpose

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