
Examples Of Dishonesty In The Salem Witch Trials

Decent Essays

There are many things that contributed to the issues concerning the Salem witch trials. Spectral evidence was very prevalent in this time period. Spectral evidence is a witnesses' testimony that a person is possessed by the devil. Cotton Mather called them woeful-and with reason. Mather viewed himself as Gods' right hand man in the war against devilish ways. Also, Mather persecuted the people of Salem village through the belief in witchcraft. However, New Englanders did not create witchcraft. At this same time the younger generation was behaving in an ungodly way. Although, there were many things associated with spectral evidence, there are three main concerns relating to the Salem witch trials which are dishonesty, inequality of power, and false accusations.
Dishonesty played a huge role in terms of this particular issue. It was extremely wrong for this to occur but sadly, it did. This was the Salem Witch trials in a nutshell. These people were dishonest and basically used fibs to secure themselves during this time in Salem. For instance, whether the people of Salem realized it or not, their tales were forever in …show more content…

Inequality played a major role in the trials because the power that Mather had to enforce the executions of many people in Salem through spectral evidence was utterly astounding. Basically, the inequality of the village was pertaining to who got away with and judged these accusations. The equality scales were definitely unbalanced considering the number of people killed by simple accusations and little to no investigative procedures. Yet, Mather was always right. The mass hysteria which stemmed from Tituba’s involvement in the accusations shows prevalent inequality between the Salem group of young girls. This was because the group of girls were seen as righteous and could not be bewitched. However, Tituba, a slave was seen as vulnerable towards the devil’s spirit in Salem. It all

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