
Why Are The Salem Witch Trials Unfair

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The Salem “Witch” Trials DRAFT
Imagine living in a household in Salem, Massachusetts. It is the year 1692 and you are a young female, around the age of 20. Now while a mass of events involving witch hunts are happening, everyone around you is panicking, accusing your friends, family and finally you of witchcraft, whether it was true or not that you had been practicing such sorcery. You confess anyways, being terrified, what happens to you next? The Salem Witch Trials should have been taken care of in a different way. The Salem Witch Trials a way to suppress people from exposing the truth behind the Government. The Trials were unfair, the Government and the townspeople were corrupt, and they had stress from outer threats surrounding the village. The Salem Witch Trials were unfair. The Salem Witch Trials was an event that happened in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692. The event lasted just under a year and created the biggest mess of chaos in such a small area. It was one of the largest witch hunts. During the trials unusual things happened and innocent people were blamed. Unusual as in bewitchments were popping up. Most of the confessors that confessed to being a witch were arrested, versus the ones who …show more content…

I like this one because of creativity on how they used this one. It was if someone were accused they were dragged to the nearest body of water, striped of their clothes and thrown in. At times they just threw someone in with a rope. Other times they would take the accused one’s own knees, put them folded to their chest and tie their ankles to their wrists, before throwing them in. This not only made it harder to breathe but, to also swim. After thrown in, if you sank into the water, you were normal. If you floated you were a witch. They knew this because it was believed that witches rejected baptism, so they would never submerge the water. The water would reject the body. They also had the handy dandy rope to pull you back

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